
The World Runners Association (WRA) was officially established on October 1, 2014. The WRA is the international governing body for the sport of multi-day solo running and walking events that involve a circumnavigation of the Earth on foot.

The Association’s inaugural President is Mr Phil Essam, a long-time and well respected advocate of the sport. Based in Canberra, Australia, Mr Essam will preside over a WRA membership that includes all those who have completed a fully documented circuit of the planet on foot according to the Association’s rules (a full definition of the rules can be found in the World Runners Club section of this web site).

The WRA will adjudicate on official attempts to run or walk around the world, including the ratification or otherwise of claims for a variety of world records. These records comprise the categories of Longest Circumnavigation of the Earth on Foot, Fastest Circumnavigation of the Earth on Foot, Most Circumnavigations of the Earth on Foot, Oldest Person to Circumnavigate the Earth on Foot and Youngest Person to Circumnavigate the Earth on Foot.

The WRA will maintain an official and on-going register of the progression of these world records and an official list of all those who have successfully circumnavigated the world on foot according to the WRA rules. While decisions about these records will be determined by the WRA, other organizations are invited to publish these same records in hard copy or electronic books and magazines they may issue from time to time.

The WRA is a not-for-profit organization operating on an internally democratic constitution. Membership of the World Runners Association is by invitation, though all those who are adjudged to have successfully completed a circumnavigation of the Earth on foot will automatically be invited to become a member of the organization. No joining or other fees are involved. 


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